Lit Fest 2024
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Monday, June 10

9:00am MDT

Advanced Weeklong Fiction Workshop: Fiction Worth Writing with Maurice Carlos Ruffin
Once we accept that perhaps we might get a book published, the pressure is on to spin a story that absorbs readers so fully, they miss their subway stop. How do we write stories that keep people turning pages and feel true to our artistic vision? In this generative workshop, we’ll use these questions to dig deeply into the elements of fiction, helping us recast our work in effective, organic ways. We’ll also focus on bringing joy back into the work and the writing, the best-known cure for writer’s block. Accepted participants will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Maurice during the week of class.

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Maurice Carlos Ruffin

Visiting Author
Maurice Carlos Ruffin’s most recent book is the story collection, The Ones Who Don’t Say They Love You (One World, 2021), a New York Times Editor’s Choice, a finalist for the Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence, and longlisted for the Story Prize. His first book... Read More →

Monday June 10, 2024 9:00am - Friday June 14, 2024 11:30am MDT

9:00am MDT

Advanced Weeklong Fiction Workshop: Finding the Subterranean Story with Danielle Evans

Often the process of drafting fiction is a process of uncovering what it is we actually mean to be writing about and bringing that thread to the surface in revision. At the same time, one of the great pleasures of reading is noting what suggestions or questions remain just beneath the text or come to the surface as surprise or revelation. In this workshop, we'll consider the “layers” of a story and the way that being attuned to what’s just underneath the obvious story can guide us toward structures and narrative arcs that serve the project. We'll negotiate the balance between what works best when illuminated and said directly and what works best when left to be discovered by the reader. Each workshop will open with a discussion of a published short story and a brief responsive writing exercise, then move to an in-depth discussion of work submitted by participants. Accepted participants will submit up to 15 manuscript pages by May 13, and will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Danielle during the week of class.

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Danielle Evans

Visiting Author
Danielle Evans is the author of the story collections The Office of Historical Corrections and Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self. Her first collection won the PEN American Robert W. Bingham Prize, the Hurston-Wright award for fiction, and the Paterson Prize for fiction; her... Read More →

Monday June 10, 2024 9:00am - Friday June 14, 2024 11:30am MDT

9:00am MDT

Advanced Weeklong Fiction Workshop: How to Pay Attention with Jenny Offill

In this workshop, we'll explore the clarification and magnification of what Virginia Woolf once called "moments of being." We'll focus on the small, the habitual, the overlooked, and discuss how we as writers might transform these seemingly modest things with the force of our attention. Each class will feature discussion of an assigned short story followed by a student workshop. We'll discuss why a specific (and at times mysterious-seeming) choice has been made by a writer as well as expand our conversations to include larger philosophical questions prompted by these explorations of craft. Topics for discussion will include the science of attention, the uses of ritual and repetition, "the discipline of rightness" (as Wallace Stevens once described it), and emotional vs. literal autobiography. Accepted participants will submit up to 15 pages by May 13, and will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Jenny during the week of class.

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Jenny Offill

Visiting Author
Offill's 2020 novel, Weather, is the story of confronting, both directly and less so, looming climate catastrophe . The book was described as “emotional, planetary, and very turbulent, “ by the New York Times, “utterly exhilarating in its wit and intelligence” by the Boston... Read More →

Monday June 10, 2024 9:00am - Friday June 14, 2024 11:30am MDT

9:00am MDT

Advanced Weeklong Fiction Workshop: Truth in Fiction with Claire Messud

When listening to music, we can hear a false note. So, too, when reading a work of fiction, we can feel it. In this workshop, we'll consider our manuscripts through the lens of 'fictional truth' (not the same as literal truth), asking how we might more closely approach it in our work. Accepted participants will submit up to 15 manuscript pages by May 13, and will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Claire during the week of class. Any additional external readings will be provided.

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Claire Messud

Visiting Author
Claire Messud is the author of six works of fiction. A recipient of a Guggenheim and Radcliffe Fellowships and the Strauss Living Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, she lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with her family.

Monday June 10, 2024 9:00am - Friday June 14, 2024 11:30am MDT

9:00am MDT

Advanced Weeklong Fiction Workshop: The BS Detector with Steve Almond

Writing is decision making, nothing more and nothing less. What word? Where to place the comma? How to shape the paragraph? Join Steve Almond for a workshop focused on improving the decisions you make in your writing. By looking critically and carefully at other people’s work, you’ll walk away with a better sense of how to improve your own. The idea is not to slow your rate of composition via compulsive revision, but to instead make better decisions in the first place and to recognize quickly when you haven’t. Accepted participants will submit short pieces of up to 15 pages by May 13, and will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Steve during the week of class.

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Steve Almond

Visiting Author
Steve Almond is the author of eleven books of fiction and nonfiction, including the New York Times bestsellers Candyfreak and Against Football, and the forthcoming Truth is the Arrow, Mercy is the Bow, a book on the writer's craft. After many failed efforts, his debut novel, All the... Read More →

Monday June 10, 2024 9:00am - Friday June 14, 2024 11:30am MDT

9:00am MDT

Advanced Weeklong Prose Workshop: How to Be Authentic with Amitava Kumar

Whether writing fiction or nonfiction, the writer is always striving for authenticity, a sense of the real on the page. (William Maxwell: "After forty years, what I came to care about most was not style, but the breath of life.") This workshop will look at brief examples of fiction (Arundhati Roy, Sheila Heti, Zadie Smith, Claire Messud, Denis Johnson, Lydia Davis), memoir (Maggie Nelson, Annie Ernaux, Joy Williams), travel writing (Ryszard Kapuscinski, Ian Jack), journalism (Janet Malcolm, Svetlana Alexievich), mixed-genre writing (John Berger, Claudia Rankine, Carolyn Forche) to learn how to create in our writing a certain effect of solidity or at other times dazzling impermanence or instability and even doubt. There is no one way to be authentic, there is no single, fixed notion of authenticity: instead, the richness of literature, regardless of genre, is the ability to use language to portray the richness of life itself. Each workshop meeting will be devoted to 10-minute writing exercises, an hour of discussion about the readings for the day (10-15 pages), and the rest of the time to a close reading of any one workshop-participant's work. Open to nonfiction and fiction writers, accepted participants will submit up to 15 pages by May 13, and will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Amitava during the week of class.

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Amitava Kumar

Visiting Author
Amitava Kumar is a writer and journalist who has published several works of nonfiction and three novels. His most recent title, The Blue Book: A Writer's Journal, is a collection of drawings and journal entries. Kumar's writing has appeared in Granta, The New York Times, Harper’s... Read More →

Monday June 10, 2024 9:00am - Friday June 14, 2024 11:30am MDT

9:00am MDT

Advanced Weeklong Nonfiction Workshop: Mapping the Memoir with Emily Rapp Black

Art is architecture; art is artificial; art is...? The biggest challenge for any writer of narrative is finding the map from beginning to end. This workshop is designed for writers working on a book-length memoir and wish to delve more deeply into issues of structure, style, and voice: these three craft points will be our focus, as these make up the net that holds a narrative together in a propulsive, engaging, immersive, and beautiful way. The goal of this workshop is to take your completed manuscript to the next level. We'll also discuss different avenues of publication. Accepted participants will submit up to 15 pages by May 13, and will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Emily during the week of class.

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Emily Rapp Black

Visiting Author
Emily Rapp Black is the author of four books of nonfiction: Poster Child; The Still Point of the Turning World, which was a New York Times bestseller, Editor's Choice, and a finalist for the PEN USA award; Sanctuary, a New York Times Editor's Choice; and Frida Kahlo and My Left Leg... Read More →

Monday June 10, 2024 9:00am - Friday June 14, 2024 11:30am MDT

9:00am MDT

Advanced Weeklong Nonfiction Workshop: Nonfiction Think Tank with Beth Nguyen

This nontraditional workshop serves as a kind of supportive think tank for writers of memoir, memoir-in-essays, essay collections, or any other form of nonfiction. We’ll explore everything from the writing process to key elements like structure, character, and perspective, and then delve into ethical concerns (how do we write about other people? What should we or shouldn’t we write?). Our mission will be to clarify our stories and emerge with a greater sense of focus, forward progress, and inspiration as we get back to them. Writing nonfiction creates its own particular concerns and tensions, and this workshop’s mission is to address those together so that we can also reap nonfiction’s many rewards. Accepted participants will submit up to 15 pages by May 13 and will have the opportunity to meet with Beth one-on-one during the week of class. During workshop, emphasis will be placed on verbal feedback and group discussion, and written feedback among participants will be optional.

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Beth Nguyen

Visiting Author
Beth Nguyen also goes by Bich Minh Nguyen. Her essay in The New Yorker explains why she has two names. Please call her Beth. She is the author of four books, most recently the memoir Owner of a Lonely Heart, published by Scribner in 2023. Owner of a Lonely Heart was a New York Times... Read More →

Monday June 10, 2024 9:00am - Friday June 14, 2024 11:30am MDT

9:00am MDT

Advanced Weeklong Nonfiction Workshop: The Self, The Selves, with T Kira Māhealani Madden

Our lived experiences, and our memories, are rarely understood through a tidy, "traditional" chronology. They seldom mirror a Western "hero’s journey;" and they shouldn’t have to. In this generative workshop, we'll investigate speculative structures, parallel realities, hypothetical What If’s? and honor every Self as Narrator in order to come closer to the story. We'll focus on compression, syntax, and identifying narrative heat and emotional potency in our memories, our selves, and all the selves we’ve been, discussing strategies one uses to render characters inspired by real people, and the compromises and thrills that come with that responsibility. Writers should be prepared to experiment, play, share, and offer first impression oral feedback. Writers will leave with new work every day. Accepted participants have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with T Kira during the week of class.

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T Kira Māhealani Madden

Visiting Author
T Kira Māhealani Madden is a hapa-Kanaka Maoli writer, photographer, and amateur magician. She is the Founding Editor of No Tokens, a magazine of literature and art, and has received fellowships from MacDowell, Hedgebrook, Tin House, DISQUIET, NYSCA/NYFA, and Yaddo. Her debut memoir... Read More →

Monday June 10, 2024 9:00am - Friday June 14, 2024 11:30am MDT

9:00am MDT

Advanced Weeklong Poetry Workshop: From Great Pain, a Formal Feeling with Rowan Ricardo Phillips

This workshop will focus primarily on poetic form. We'll explore not merely what these particular forms are but why, how and the often underdeveloped sense of when you may think to use them. This will involve our studying, in brief, the history of these forms, their strict and loose interpretations, and how your formal poems can thrive in the present instead of seeming beholden to, and sounding like they were written, in the past. This workshop is designed for advanced poets, regardless of past experience with formal poetry. Accepted participants will submit one poem by May 13, and will be expected to write a new poem in a new form for every workshop meeting. Participants will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Rowan during the week of class.

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Rowan Ricardo Phillips

Visiting Author
Rowan Ricardo Phillips is a multi-award winning poet, nonfiction writer, scholar, screenwriter, and translator. He is the author of The Ground, Heaven, Living Weapon, Silver, When Blackness Rhymes with Blackness, and The Circuit: A Tennis Odyssey. Phillips has been the recipient of... Read More →

Monday June 10, 2024 9:00am - Friday June 14, 2024 11:30am MDT

9:00am MDT

Advanced Weeklong Poetry Workshop: Raising the Stakes with Mark Doty

Do you ever look at a poem you’ve written and sense that so much—the elusive but essential core of what you felt but couldn’t say—has been left out? This workshop is designed for experienced poets who would like to deepen, complicate, and enlarge their poems. We’ll read exemplary contemporary poems, engage in in- and out-of-class writing exercises, and cheer each other on in our quest to get more of the gorgeous mess of life onto the page. You will need a notebook or laptop, a willingness to experiment, and a degree of courage, which the group will help you find if need be. Each participant will submit up to four poems for review by May 13. Although all four poems may not be workshopped in class, there will be an opportunity to discuss them all in-depth during individual meetings with Mark to be scheduled the week of class.

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Mark Doty

Visiting Author
Mark Doty is the author of nine books of poetry, including Deep Lane (April 2015), Fire to Fire: New and Selected Poems, which won the 2008 National Book Award, and My Alexandria, winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award, and the T.S. Eliot... Read More →

Monday June 10, 2024 9:00am - Friday June 14, 2024 11:30am MDT
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